Feeling stuck? Let’s Coach!

I’m an ICF-certified life coach (ACC). I work with people who have decided it’s time to exit their “cages.” Let me explain what I mean… 

Life Coach Sheri Bell

The human brain generates upwards of 30,000 thoughts per day. And these thoughts are, unfortunately, heavily biased toward scarcity and negativity. In part because your lizard brain is actually hardwired to keep you from “danger,” to keep you alive — and it sees danger everywhere. Media, advertisers, and others are daily influencing (manipulating) your thoughts and actions. You often feel the pressure of not measuring up, right? If you’re here, I’m willing to bet that you feel “caged,” even if you don’t actually know what’s got you stuck. Wanna find out, to step out?

What's "caging" your personal power?

I once received an email from a woman in her fifties. “I feel like a bird in a cage,” she shared. “Open the door,” I offered. “I can’t,” she replied, “it’s locked and I don’t have the key.” Her thoughts, more than any other factor, were creating the “cage” she believed she couldn’t exit.+

The limitations she had created by her thinking made me sad. Because I realized that I was holding limiting thoughts in some areas of my own life. In my limping marriage, certainly, but also in my agency to believe that I had the power to change what I didn’t like. Like her, I was telling myself I was “stuck.”

“Who are you to expect more?” taunted my mind. “Who do you think you are?”
Critical questions to answer, actually, when we want to see change in our life!

After studying a ton of resources on health, science, psychology, and mindset, I had to admit that I was *choosing* — albeit subconsciously — to believe I was stuck. Here’s the truth: We all create our reality through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The subconscious “story” we carry around with us 24/7 — in essence, our self-identity — holds incredible power. And most of us don’t realize that we can take back that power by simply rewiring our subconscious. Simple, yes. Easy, not always. But 100% doable (if we’re mentally healthy) and we hold ourselves accountable to moving forward.

Think of it this way: Your mind is like a CD on continuous loop. Same old melodies, same old lyrics. And every time you allow that CD to loop yet again, you cement your self-identity — with all of your perceived limitations — even more within your subconscious. You *compound* your identity by basically soaking your mind in the same old juices. How great would it feel to freshen things up?!

To exit your “cage” takes two things: Courage and action. Coaching can help to gain you both, and faster than on your own, because you gain a true partner. 

What is the role of a coach? To be your objective, supportive, curious thought-partner who offers their full attention. Within this safe, judgement-free zone, you gain the breathing room to inspect what has caged you, and why, so you can choose where to start making changes. Changes that begin to compound and totally change your life!

Can you do this on your own? Perhaps, if you’ll do the necessary self-inspection, create an action plan, and hold yourself accountable for working your plan. If you can’t — or you already know that you’ll get faster results with coaching support — let’s chat and see if we’re a good fit, and that you do have the time, commitment, and budget to take coaching seriously to get *serious* results!

+Unfortunately, the woman I mentioned would not give up her victim mindset. I truly believe it contributed to her dying from cancer. We all need hope to keep going, and that starts with our thoughts.
Where do you need to gain freedom and personal power?
Self-sabotage | Resistance | Fear of failure or success | Limbo | Shame | Boundaries | Emotional triggering | Vulnerability | Courage | Resilience | Communication | Habits | Future Self vision & action plan
Life Coach Sheri Bell
Sheri ACC badge

Sheri A. Bell, Certified Life Coach | Author | Sage
Mindset | Communication | Relationships | Future Self Planning