Leadership Coaching

With coaching you’ll gain greater self-awareness about the type of leader you want and need to be, and your needed areas of growth to confidently lead your team. Let’s identify and amplify your inherent superpowers!

Enhance Your Soft Skills, Expand Your Influence

People don’t leave companies. They leave bad managers. Research has shown that there are a number of key leadership behaviors that you, as an effective manager, need to build proactive, accountable, and resilient teams that passionately further the company mission.

You’ve been promoted from contributor to manager. Congratulations! More visibility, more influence, more rewards — but you now need to develop executive presence, capably navigate change and obstacles, think strategically, effectively delegate, and develop individual and team performance. Your soft skills are a critical component to your success. Where do you currently rank yourself in EQ,  listening, communication, and influence? Let’s evaluate and get you where you need to be!

successful leader

5 behaviors that define an effective leader:

≡ Leads with emotional regulation. A confident, yet humble self-identity is key.
≡ Sets and communicates a clear vision for expected performance, standards, and accountability.
≡ Champions opportunities for growth and adaptability.
≡ Leads communication effectively, even during “hard” conversations.
≡ Harnesses Situational Leadership (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating) to develop, guide, and reward team members individually.

Together we can work to hone your:

1. Leadership Vision. Where are you in up-leveling your self-identity from contributor to leader? Do you have a growth mindset? Have you defined your leadership values and identity?

2. Listening Skills. Can you hear what’s being said (and unsaid), and respond appropriately, with curiosity and empathy? Are you able to build connection and trust with each team member?

3. Observation Skills. Are you skilled in noticing people, situations, and environments? Are you seeking information, or defaulting to biases and assumptions?

4. Emotional Intelligence. Can you effectively read other people’s emotions and body language? Are you deliberate in your words and body language?

5. Emotional Self-regulation. Do you remain composed under stress? Are you aware of your triggers? How quickly are you able to redirect your thoughts to manage your emotions? 

6. Change Management. Can you take decisive action despite conflict, pressure, and unknown outcomes? What’s your risk tolerance? What fears/self-doubt currently steal your confidence?

7. Influence. Do you easily build collaboration? Do others trust your vision, plans, and judgment? 

8. Effective Communication. Can you comfortably share ideas, with your various audiences? Are you an inspiring storyteller who can easily motivate and persuade others?

male business leader smiling

As your leadership skills coach, I’ll help you to refine your communication, your ability to handle stress, your confidence in making decisions and handling problems and conflict, your adaptability to change, and the shifts you want to experience in your self-identity, mindset, and behavior patterns. It all starts with the “story” in your mind that is driving your perspective of yourself and others.

Sheri A. Bell, ICF Certified Life & Leadership Coach | Mentor | Sage Self-Identity | Mindset | Communication | Soft Skills | Future Self Planning Sheri@SheriBellCoach.com

"Sheri is a great coach. Her ability to elicit information from me helps me to see things from a new perspective. I feel that I have gained so much in my sessions." Paul, CFO

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