Sheri’s Late Bloomers Coaching Program

Let’s Play!

Have you been thinking “it’s too late for me”? Hogwash! This comprehensive program guides you through an empowering journey of discovering, developing, and celebrating the fulfilling life you yearn to experience! Even ONE year of exceptional living beats ten years of cookie-cutter ho-hum! 

I. Welcome to the LBC: Late Bloomers Club!

Hey, Late Bloomer! Embrace the excitement of creating the “you” and the life you desire, at any age! Get ready to start dreaming and scheming to make it your reality! NOW is your time!

  • See it and believe it, to gain it: YOU are your biggest obstacle
  • Famous late bloomers: Learn & emulate

II. Unveiling Your Superpowers

  • Superpower assessment
  • Explore what makes you uniquely awesome!
  • Identify into your emotional and happiness “set points” 

III. Blooming Big and Beautiful

  • Epic Life Vision Casting: Health, Character, Love, Friendships, Parenting, Emotions, Intellect, Finances, Career, Adventures, Desired Legacy, Other
  • Rediscover your forgotten dreams, delights, and bold ambitions: What’s gone missing?

IV. Mindset Mastery: Limiting Beliefs Bootcamp

  • Challenge your “cages”: Thoughts and beliefs fueling a limited self-identity
  • Rewrite your “story” narrative so that possibility mushrooms
  • Train your brain to focus on solutions, not problems

V. “YES!” to Soaring Heights

  • Identify & tame your inner dragons (heart) and saboteurs (mind)
  • Stand up to fear to harness it as jet fuel
  • Set & enforce protective boundaries to break free from people-pleasing
  • Define success and happiness on your terms

VI. Healing Heart Quest

  • Heal & release past wounds and emotional baggage
  • Harness the power of forgiveness
  • Generously gift yourself compassion & grace

VII. Skill Quest and Learning Loot

  • Quest for new skills, knowledge & community
  • Harness & honor your treasure troves of wisdom

VIII. Triumphs and Trolls: Resilience & Action

  • Battle the “Bosses of Setbacks”: Fear, Scarcity & Energy invaders
  • Master resilience and other Bloomer kick-butt strategies
  • Create your formula for turning setbacks into comebacks

IX. Party Like a Hero: Celebrate Your Quests

  • Toast every small triumph & epic win
  • New habit: Victory feasts and dance-offs

X. Flow in Abundance

  • Flourish with gratitude
  • Continuous connection with your energy refillers

“Hard questions asked and answered, a lot of serious introspection, a commitment to change, and I feel transformed. What Sheri’s coaching has done for me is real and significant. Terrific insights!” Dan

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