Wanna WIN, Superhero?
I want you to have fun AS YOU HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Grab your Superhero points to celebrate your SHOWING UP BIG!
Points you can EARN your FIRST MONTH:
Sign and electronically submit your Coaching Agreement within 24 hours of your receiving it. ______5 points
Points you can EARN monthly as we coach:
*100/ If you earn 100+ points by the end of a coaching month, you gain one “GO, SUPERHERO!” prize. Points restart at zero at the new coaching month, if you take the prize.
*Most of the prizes are of nominal value; they’re just a fun way to regularly RECOGNIZE and CELEBRATE your growth and wins, big and small!
*1000/ OR you can choose to let your points accumulate. At 1000 points you may select a BONUS coaching or mindset training session.