Mindstorming to Double Your Income

💥 According to Tony Busan, a noted brain expert, we all are using just a tiny fraction of our mental power. We can gain more with mindstorming. We can, he asserts, improve our brain power to double our income (and keep doing so), and gain traction in other areas of our lives. The requirement: Strong […]

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Waiting For An Apology?

Don’t waste your time or energy waiting for an apology. Give it to yourself via these three steps: 1. DECIDE to let the offense go. Do you really want to hand someone the power to keep stealing your peace of mind? (Please say, “HELL, NO!”) 2. DECIDE to accept that people mess up. EVEN YOU. […]

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Overcoming Fear

Fear. It’s everywhere. In us. Outside of us. The world fuels and recycles fear. Our politicians and media use it. Our work environments/family members/health industry use it. Our minds continuously beat us up with fearful, debilitating thoughts.   How does our fear show up?   As Shame. Jealousy. Judging. Competitiveness. Hiding. Blaming. Victim mindset. Imposter […]

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Assumptions Create Drama

It can FEEL EMPOWERING IN THE MOMENT to act from our assumptions. But later? Ugh!

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